Friday, September 23, 2005

A Love Letter (Revisited)

My Darling,
How are you? It has been a month since I last heard from you. Are you eating well? Don't forget to wear your scarf which I have put in your bag. You always forget to wear it. Too dandy !, you always said. Please wear it. Winter is coming. There might be some storms too.

“You will receive the most beautifully written letter that you ever read” That is what you told me when you said good bye. I was not really listening to you. I was too busy kissing you. I kissed you again. I looked at you. The handsome face. I kissed and hug you over again. I know you will be gone for a long time. I was savouring my last moment with you.
Don't go, I said. I must, you told me with your eyes. Your dreams come above everything else. Even me. I will wait for you. You'll will understand later.

So who is she?
The one that made you blushed and quiet. Someone that you keep to yourself. You won't share with anyone. Is she taking good care of you ? as well as I ? Do I have to compete with her ?. It's allright. I will still wait for you here. You can even bring her with you.

My Darling,
When are you coming home? The weather has been getting colder. The neighbors are staying indoor already. No one to talk to anymore. The street is empty except for the sound of wind. Not even a whisper heard. The leaves are changing its color. I am getting old.

Please come home, darling…

(Inspired by the film "The Motorcycle Diaries (Diarios de Motocicleta)" and memories of past love letters)

(Diterjemahkan oleh Mas Yoodi. Very very tengkyu, Mas!)


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